Need to reach a complete municipality in particular?

Many advertisers seek a media vehicle that allows them to target a specific geographical area or municipality to generate awareness and interest in their product or service offering. The United States Postal Service (USPS) offers an effective advertising medium that many are unaware of, that has a much higher reach than any other media available in Puerto Rico.
Traditional media such as TV and newspapers requires that your target audience is tuned in while the press needs you to be subscribed or to pick up an issue at the street light to be read. We all know that newspaper circulation in Puerto Rico is virtually nonexistent and that very few pick up the newspaper at streetlights.
However, with EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) your advertising piece gets noticed by your target customer because it waiting in their mailbox to be read at their leisure. EDDM complements the reach of all other media but it can also work alone given its massive reach and saturation potential around the entire Island.
One perfect media combination is EDDM with a social media platform where an EDDM mailing piece can persuade a potential customer to visit the platform or website to obtain more service or product information.
How would EDDM work for my business?
Such as the name suggests, EDDM offers your business the opportunity to reach your potential client door to door anywhere on the Island. For example you may reach all 11,655 residences in Dorado if your target audience resides in that municipality.
Most customers make their purchases within a 1 to 3 mile radius from their home. Therefore, EDDM is the perfect advertising media tool to generate new and repeating clients that reside in your area.
EDDM has advantages over any other kind of direct mail. Some of these advantages are:
- Not requiring names or addresses of the people you need to reach. Your ad piece is delivered household to household, protected inside the mailbox, by the mailman using a “Postal Customer’ format
- EDDM offers a large variety of mail piece sizes, all at the same low postage price so you have space to communicate or display your product and service offering. These sizes range from 6.5”x 9”” to 12”x 15”. All mail pieces are large enough to stand out and get noticed from any other piece inside the mail box. Some sizes are:

- The postage price is approximately 18 cents per piece regardless of the mail piece size selected whether it be a post card or a circular shopper piece.
At ADI we are ready to get you started.
Please contact us at your convenience.